Step into a private home to see the rare collection, in this range of art in Chennai

Take a walk through a private home to see a collection of traditional and modern contemporary art, in Chennai on October 22

Should art be confined to the wall of the gallery? And besides, once an artwork is acquired, what happens to it?

These are some of the questions the International Foundation for the Arts (IFA) attempts to answer through its series ArtNights, which organizes tours of private homes that house the city’s impressive collection of artworks. In this way, private collections that are rarely visible in the public eye come to light. This weekend’s visit to the home of art collector and author Ashwin Subramaniam is the first.

This series of tours hopes to provide an opportunity for young artists and connoisseurs from established names to learn the ropes and create interest in assembling themselves.

Upasana Asrani, Founder, IFA says, “Ashwin’s home is a true testament to his love for art. “The way they have combined the contemporary with the traditional is phenomenal. We wanted to give people who are genuinely interested in art. It’s a rare glimpse into one’s life and home.” He has lined up three more established collectors in the city to make it a monthly.

For Ashwin, the house has always served as a studio space where he deals with artefacts, kilims, furniture, pottery, basketry and more as part of his work. “I started buying art about 13 or 14 years ago. I was completely clueless then. Initially, we just wanted something that would captivate our senses,” says Ashwin.

It all came together between 2009 and 2011 when they decided to acquire the art of established names, both modern and contemporary. “I also felt that traditional Indian art was not getting its due. I decided to reach out to the artisans and started organizing traditional art shows in Chennai till the pandemic hit,” he adds.

Three stories of art, artifacts, sculptures, carpets and old furniture await the visitors, along with around 140 paintings. The collection is a mix of traditional art forms including: tangkaso, to the works of modern masters like Raza and Ram Kumar and contemporary artists like Jayshree Burman and Sujata Bajaj. “I believe in mix and match and do not believe in a particular rule in which things have to be displayed. It is more a question of how they all work together,” says Ashwin.

Upasana says the most exciting part of the tour is the intimacy, and gaining insight into the collector’s own journey. “Art should be something we can interact with on a daily basis.”

The journey is from 6 pm to 7.30 pm on 22 October. To register contact on 9840030063.


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