Stockholm: India pitches for circularity as Stockholm opens with calls to accelerate action for +50 healthy planet and prosperity for all – Times of India

New Delhi: With the world celebrating 50 years of stockholm At a conference that made the environment a major global issue for the first time in 1972, India on Thursday pushed for careful consumption, waste reduction and resource efficiency and promotion of circular economy to save the planet. Earth,
The Environment Minister said, “The principles outlined during the 1972 conference are relevant even today… During the past decades, India has seen massive inclusive economic growth. We have accelerated this development by separating the development process from environmental degradation. have achieved.” Bhupendra Yadav Explaining India’s stand at a global forum in Stockholm, Sweden.
Delivering the nation’s statement on the inaugural day of the Stockholm+50 conference, he said, “The Prime Minister of India advocated the concept of life, i.e. lifestyle for the environment – as an approach to combat climate change. Mindfully promotes consumption, waste reduction and resource efficiency and fosters the circular economy.”
The two day Stockholm+50 meeting has been called by? United Nations General Assembly Commemorating 50 years of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, which led to the formation of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – a global body working for environmental protection around the world – and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Addressing the Stockholm+50 conference, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that “global welfare is at risk, in large part because we have not kept our promises on the environment.”

He said, “We need to change course – right now – and end our senseless and suicidal war against nature… We must place the right value on the environment and lower than the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of human progress. Must go ahead and well-going. We must not forget that when we destroy forest, we are making GDP. When we catch more fish, we are making GDP. GDP in the world There is no one way to measure prosperity in the current situation. Instead, we should move to a circular and regenerative economy.”

This year’s theme ‘Only One Earth’ was also the slogan of the 1972 Stockholm Conference. then Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi Participated in the 1972 conference and called for global collective action to save the environment.
A day ahead of the Stockholm +50 conference, Yadav on Wednesday elaborated on how the country is transitioning from linear economy to circular economy to save the environment through careful consumption and better use of resources, and said that India ” circularity”. and resource efficiency” in eleven waste streams through policy interventions.
to make remarks at the high level segment of the conference on Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm ConventionThe Minister said that an action plan has already been prepared to deal with these waste streams (plastic, e-waste, batteries, liquid waste, agricultural waste, end-of-life vehicles etc.) under the country’s mission on circular economy. Is.
While Stockholm and Rotterdam Convention Regulates the use and trade of listed hazardous chemicals, the Basel Convention regulates the movement and environmentally sound disposal of hazardous and other wastes.