Stop! what? Girl makes saree with potato chips wrappers; the internet is confused

Be it french fries, nuggets or chips, potato snacks are loved by people of all ages. They are quick to make, easily available and taste just as good as when served as a side dish. Growing up in India, we have had the chance to taste the homegrown version of many famous international potato chips flavors and have loved each and every one of them. However, when you’ve munched on your favorite condiment potato chips, What do you do next? Throw the wrapper in the trash, right? A recent video uploaded to Instagram shows us a different use for these potato chips wrappers and we’re clearly confused whether it’s too genius or bizarre to be true. to keep track:

The video was uploaded by an entertainment website which promotes women centric content named ‘’. Original video posted by ‘’ a slow fashion brand. The video has garnered 131k views and 5500 likes. Comments left on the video are divided between those who like the idea of ​​this chips packet saree and others who hate it.

(Also read: Incredible! Girl Makes Dress With Recyclable KFC Packaging, Fast Food Giant React,

Some of the comments left on the video that were in support of this particular chips flavor with saree were “Sari ho to aisi ho varna na ho” (either wear this kind of saree or don’t wear it at all), “We all want a snack”. Wanna Look Like”, “Omigod” and “Love”.

Viewers who weren’t liking this outfit said “dislike”, “As an ardent saree lover and an artist, I am completely disgusted seeing it. People are doing all kinds of things in the name of art these days. Indulging in tomfoolery.” and “No, I’m the Orange Lays Team”

What are your thoughts on this saree? Would you like it better if it were your favorite flavor of chips? Let us know in the comments below.
