Stop Your Furry Friend From Destructive Chewing Treats

Last Update: 21 August 2022, 14:01 IST

Remember that severe punishment is never an option so avoid it as much as you can. (Representative image: Shutterstock)

Help your furry friend with chewing problems as it may soon become a problem for you too.

Occasionally, every dog ​​parent has returned home for some unforeseen damage done by their dog to their shoes, rugs, furniture, or other items. But it is common for a cute animal to taste the things around it.

However, for some dogs, the way they take in new information through their mouths can turn into destructive chewing behavior and serious biting issues.

This behavior of your dog is not only destroying your valuables but also endangering your dog’s health and safety. Before looking at how to stop your dog from chewing, understand your dog.

It helps to know things like why dogs chew, and what they like to chew on.

There can be several reasons for destructive chewing behavior:

  • Much like babies and toddlers, puppies chew to relieve teething pain.
  • They love to explore the world with their mouth
  • Some find it soothing to chew because it calms them down
  • to relieve boredom
  • when suffering from separation anxiety
  • Lack of training could be another reason

Now, as you have identified the cause, learn how to stop your dog chewing.

  • take responsibility for your belongings
  • Your clothes, shoes, socks, books, trash, glasses, remote control,
  • and other small objects within reach of your dog.
  • Get your dog toys that are different from household items
  • Offer your dog plush toys or bones
  • punishment is not the right way
  • Train your dog properly. Positive reinforcement methods will make your dog drop even the funniest items.
  • If your dog seems bored, don’t ignore it. Entertain them with activities based on their age, health and breed characteristics.
  • supervise your dog
  • If you see your puppy teething, give them a rubber toy, this will soothe their gums.

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