Struggling to remove rust from kitchen utensils? Try These 3 Easy Hacks

Last Update: February 24, 2023, 13:32 IST

Potatoes contain oxalic acid, which dissolves rust.

Rust slowly destroys your metal utensils and equipment such as pans, pots and knives.

Whether you’ve left your kitchen knives or scissors in the dishwasher, or soaked them in water in your sink, you’ll see rust on your tools. Rust is the result of the oxidation of iron. Simply put, if you mix water, iron and air, you get rust! Any metal that is made of iron is prone to rusting. Yes, this includes stainless steel as well. Rust slowly destroys your metal utensils and equipment such as pans, pots and knives. So, you might not enjoy the look of antique decor in your kitchen drawers as rust spells doom. Here are some hacks to get rid of it:

Use a potato and dish soap scrub to remove rust from a frying pan:

Potatoes contain oxalic acid, which dissolves rust. It’s convenient and so natural that it will serve the purpose on any material. First cut the potatoes in half. Dip the cut end of the potato in some liquid soap and simply scrub it off. If the rusting on your pot is heavy, add some salt for some extra friction.

Use Baking Soda and Lemon Juice:

Baking soda is very useful for cleaning different parts of the house. Its exfoliating properties help in removing rust from objects. Prepare a mixture by mixing lemon juice and baking soda. After preparing the mixture, apply this paste on the rusted area and leave it for some time. After 20 minutes, clean it with a cleaning brush.

Use White Vinegar:

In addition to sandpaper, lemon, lime, baking soda, you can also use vinegar to remove rust. Using white vinegar is a very easy way to remove it. For this, prepare a spray by mixing two to three teaspoons of vinegar in a mug of water. Now spray it on the rusted area and leave it for about 10 minutes. Then clean it with the help of a cleaning brush or sandpaper.

You can always depend on the store-bought option. There are many products on the market specially formulated for this purpose. Store-bought rust removers are convenient to use and should save you some hassle. Their instructions vary depending on the product.

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