Stuffed Maggi Chili & More: 7 Weirdest Maggi Recipes That Confused the Internet

If there’s one thing Indians are famous for, it’s their deep understanding of the ‘jugaad’ innovation. With the minimal resources given to us, we can invent practically anything. For example, Maggi is a popular instant noodle that is eaten across the country. However, in recent times, we have seen it being used as an ingredient to make an array of dishes. From stuffing Maggi inside preparations to crafting a variety of quirks with it, there is no dearth of creativity when it comes to Maggi recipes. While some dishes are interesting and worth trying, others are simply bizarre and confusing.

Here are 7 weird Maggi recipes that confuse the internet:

1. Stuffed Green Chilli Maggi

If You Thought Stuffed Capsicum Was the Last Straw, Wait Till You See This Stuffed Green Chili Maggi. In this quirky creation, chopped green chillies are stuffed with cooked Maggi. Check it out:

2. Maggi Milkshake

We know Maggi is very much loved by foodies, but this Maggi milkshake was totally over the top. The frothy treat topped with instant noodles was seen in this picture. Have a look:

3. Makki Di Roti with Maggi

Makki di roti is a popular roti eaten with sarson da saag during the winter months. But can you imagine mixing roti with Maggi noodles? look at yourself:

4. Maggi dumplings

When in doubt, there is always pakoras! However, this whimsical Maggi fritters captured by a popular food blogger made a lot of headlines on the internet. See here:

5. Maggi Pani Puri

Pani puri There is a street food which is loved by chaat lovers. However, even the most ardent pani puri lovers found it difficult to digest this Maggi-stuffed pani puri. Check it out:

6. Maggi Ladoo

Believe it or not, internet users came up with an absurd ladoo made from Maggi noodles. Shaped sweets are shown in the picture Maggi Noodles Roll it into a ball and garnish it with dry fruits. Have a look:

7. Chocolate Maggi

While there are many flavors of Maggi This chocolate flavored Maggi was undoubtedly one of the strangest Maggis in recent times. Check it out:

what do you think of these weirdos Maggi Cooking? Tell us which one you want to try in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.


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