Success Story: UP village girl secures 100% scholarship in US university, aims to become a data analyst

Anshika Patel, who hails from a small village in Uttar Pradesh, is a perfect example of how much one can achieve through hard work. The 18-year-old from Pakri Godam village in Jaunpur district has secured a seat at Washington and Lee University in the US with a 100% scholarship, where she will pursue a major in economics with a minor in mathematics. She was also selected by Georgetown University in Qatar and was on the waiting list of five other universities.

Anshika has recently graduated from Vidyagyan Leadership Academy, Bulandshahr in class 12th with 95 percent marks. He focused on economics, Indian economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics in class 11th and 12th. He secured 98 percent marks in class 10th.

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Her father works in a small general store, while her mother is a tailor. He also has four siblings. “When I was selected, my teachers and family were thrilled with the news. I will be the first of my whole family to go abroad and study. It is like a dream come true for me and my family,” she told News18.

Talking about her future plans, Anshika says, after graduating from Washington and Lee University, she wants to become a data analyst. “At the same time, I may also decide to pursue further studies. My main aim is to work for community welfare by working with NGOs or social service organizations, where I can use all my learnings,” she told News18. told com.

Anshika Patel with her family

“Back in 2019, VidyaGyan offered me the opportunity to move to the US as a part of a student exchange programme. I liked the education there and after that I started searching for universities, courses, faculty and future opportunities or internships. I started discussing everything with my mentor and my counselor at the academy. He guided me every step of the way,” she said, adding that she was already influenced by Washington and Lee University because one of her seniors was studying there. “The facilities they provide in their economics and mathematics curriculum are world class,” she said.

“The process involves applying through a common admissions website. In the US, all universities have a common app where one can apply to the university of their choice. To apply for the scholarship, there is also a simple scholarship form. As part of the process, I submitted three essays and also took a proficiency test,” she said about the admissions process at American University. He claimed that if there was no university in America, he would have definitely done his higher education from an Indian university.

His curriculum at the University of Washington and Lee focuses on entrepreneurial economics. Anshika feels that her mother is a source of inspiration, “a small example of female-entrepreneurship”, as she teaches the women in her village basic sewing skills that help them become financially independent. “Financial empowerment of women not only brings change at the family level but can pave the way for a big change at the level of society and country. This inspired me to study economics with a special interest in entrepreneurial economics,” she said.

“I come from a humble background like all other girls in my country. I would like to tell them that they have to believe in themselves. One needs to focus and work towards his goal. It is necessary to be fearless so that one can overcome the obstacles that come in his way. It was not easy for me to get out of my village. The people of my village tried to influence my parents against sending me to the academy but my father had a dream for me and my family. It has been the best decision ever!,” said the young man.

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