Suffering from flu? Here’s how you can recover faster amid COVID-19

With the drop in temperature and the onset of winter season, flu cases are increasing rapidly. Although flu infections are quite common during seasonal changes, their risk has become more serious due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It can take up to two to five days for flu symptoms to appear after contracting and, in most cases, are very similar to the symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.

Both of these attack the body’s respiratory function, so it becomes very important to take extra care of our immune system. If you are exposed to flu infection, here are some ways that can help you recover faster.

restrict conversation

The flu is contagious and if you do get infected, there are chances that you can pass it on to others as well. So, the first thing to do after you show flu symptoms is to limit your movement. Only leave the house if there is an emergency or the symptoms have subsided substantially. Try to wear a mask even when interacting with family members at home

Take medicine on doctor’s advice

People usually take over the counter medicines for the flu without consulting a doctor. While it can usually work, it is never a good idea to take medication without proper consultation. So, be sure to consult a doctor before following any medication.

have a light meal

During flu infection the immune system gets weakened and even our eating habits are badly affected. Hence it becomes very important to consume the right food. Avoid eating spicy and oily food and go for light options like porridge, soup, khichdi and dal.


Complications of the flu can dehydrate your body, so it is important to give your body the necessary fluid intake. Maintain your hydration level by taking water and other beverages. Make sure to drink at least 1-2 liters of water while recovering from the flu.

Check your pre-existing medical conditions

While flu infections are not very serious, their effects can be serious when combined with any existing medication conditions such as blood pressure and blood sugar. So if you are struggling with any such disease, make sure to keep an eye on them.

The symptoms of severe flu vary.

Flu infection usually lasts 8 to 10 days but in some cases it can get worse. Seek good medical advice if you continue experiencing symptoms such as dehydration, dizziness, confusion, delirium, abdominal pain or bloating, and rashes for longer than usual.

While we have tried to list some precautions that you can take to promote the recovery process, it is also advised to consult a medical professional for supervision.

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