Summer Health Tips: 3 Nutritionist-Approved Reasons To Add Lassi To Your Diet; 7 Lassi Recipes

Summer has arrived and it’s time to chug down the cooler and gallons of sorbet. Many delicious drinks are coming back into our lives to help us beat the scorching heat. One such popular drink is Lassi. This desi drink made from curd has its roots in Punjabi households. Churned with curd, sugar and spices, it has a very earthy flavor that touches the heart instantly. He is not everything. It is also loaded with many health beneficial properties. According to health experts, the key ingredient in lassi – curd (or curd) – is a powerful probiotic that aids in gut-health, further boosting immunity. Plus it is hydrating to the core and helps cool us down on a hot, sunny day. Adding to these benefits, suggests celebrity nutritionist Lavneet Batra, lassi makes for “the perfect drink to beat the heat”. She further took to Instagram to share the three most essential reasons to include lassi in your daily diet during the summer season. let’s take a look.

Read also: Who’s waiting?! street vendor of lucknow selling lassi with rabri in it

Here are 3 reasons to include lassi in your summer diet – nutritionist Lavneet Batra recommends:

1. Promotes Digestion:

Yogurt contains “Lactobacillus” which helps to lubricate the digestive system. It further boosts the metabolism and helps in maintaining a healthy body.

2. Improve Bone Health:

The curd used in lassi is rich in calcium, which makes it a great ingredient to promote bone and teeth health.

3. Improving Skin Health:

In the summer season, strong sunlight and strong sunlight have a negative effect on our skin. This is where a glass of lassi comes to your rescue. Thanks to yogurt, this drink contains lactic acid and alpha hydroxy which helps in clearing the dead skin cells and nourishes it from within.

Now that you know about the health benefits of drinking lassi, we suggest making yourself a glass and enjoying it. Looking for the perfect lassi recipe? Here we have you covered. We bring you seven most favorite lassi recipes that will make the drink all the more delicious and desirable for you. click here for dishes.

Try each of these seven recipes in one day for an entire week and let us know which one you liked the most.

Enjoy a happy and healthy summer season.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.