Summer Shopping Guide: 5 Essentials to Hide in Your Pantry

Planning your diet during summer is not as easy as it seems. This season brings with it a host of health problems, which makes it difficult to decide what to eat and what to eliminate. Diet regime varies from person to person, depending on their health condition, food preferences and other such factors. But what remains common to all is the craving for cooling foods. To beat the scorching heat outside, we resort to a variety of food and beverages that soothe the soul and cool us down instantly. Here, we bring you a list of kitchen essentials that you must have in your pantry during summers. Read on for details.

What should you keep in stock during summer? Here are 5 options for you:

In summer, we avoid going out of our houses as much as possible. In such a situation, you either resort to online shopping or hide a lot. grocery in your kitchen. While rice, pulses, flour, salt, sugar etc are common grocery items throughout the year, we bring you some food options that are especially for summers.

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5 summer essentials to stash in your pantry:

1. Curd:

Curd is a must during summers. Use it as you have it, to make curry or churn it into a cold drink to beat the summer heat. Besides being versatile, it’s also super healthy. Yogurt is rich in probiotics, fiber and several essential vitamins and minerals for overall benefits.

2. Cucumber:

A popular cold vegetable, Cucumber 95 percent is water content. It is low in calories, high on fiber and can be used to prepare many refreshing summer dishes. From smoothies to salads, you can use cucumbers in almost any dish you like.

3. Glucose Powder:

Excessive sweating occurs in summer, which further affects our overall health. This is where glucose comes to the rescue. It acts as an instant energizer to keep you going throughout the day.

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4. Soft Drinks:

During the summer, we stash a series of cold drink in our refrigerator. From chaas and lassi to lemonade, squash and more, we’ve got a host of options to choose from. Not only are they delicious, but they also hydrate us instantly.

5. Sugar candy:

This is a necessary material that you can keep in stock. It is unrefined sugar that contains the goodness of sugarcane. Experts Recommend Soaking Often sugar candy Drink water overnight and the next morning. It is known to keep the body cool throughout the day.

Now that you have the list handy, we suggest stocking them up and enjoying them all season long. But always remember, moderation is the key!