Summer Skin Care: 5 Collagen Rich Foods for Well-Nourished Skin

Just when you thought that AC and cooler had given relief from the scorching heat outside, your skin started acting strange. It becomes pale and tanned, pimples and pimples appear here and there. Ever wondered why? This is due to excessive dehydration during summer, which we go through due to heat and sweating. This is right. Dehydration also affects our skin, accelerating the aging process. This is the reason why health experts recommend drinking gallons of water to maintain the water balance in our body. But did you know that just drinking water is not enough to get healthy and nourished skin?! For this you also need a protein called collagen. Collagen, found in bones, joints, blood, muscles and cartilage, is the most important protein for healthy-looking skin, providing elasticity and strength. In fact, collagen makes up a third of the body’s total protein. However, collagen production slows down with age.

Consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta suggests, “It is important to load up on foods rich in collagen to prevent aging of our skin. In addition, a reduction in collagen Leads to issues like stiff joints and brittle bones.” He adds that collagen is available in many of our daily foods. “Collagen is found naturally in most animal proteins; Plant foods also contain many important nutrients that help with collagen production in our bodies.” Let’s look at some daily food ingredients that are rich in collagen.

Here are 5 collagen-rich food options for you:

1. Chicken:

Chicken is rich in amino acids, which play an important role in the production of collagen in our body. In addition, several studies around the world have also found that certain parts of chicken (the neck and cartilage) are a great source of collagen and may help treat arthritis.

(Also read: This Coconut and Turmeric Anti-Aging Drink Recipe for Healthy Skin,

Chicken is a great way to stock up on collagen.

2. Fish:

Fish is considered a potent source of amino acids and essential minerals like zinc and copper that help in the production of collagen in the body. In addition, fish also contains healthy fats that help promote glowing and healthy skin.

3. Citrus Fruits:

Lemons and other citrus fruits contain a good amount of antioxidants and vitamin C, which not only helps in collagen production but also flushes out toxins, leaving the skin well-nourished. Apart from this, citric fruits also help in fighting skin inflammation.

(Also read: How Much Vitamin C Is Too Much Vitamin C? Expert Disclosure,

Citrus 620

Citrus fruits can be excellent sources of collagen.

4. Leafy Vegetables:

leafy vegetables like spinach, salad leaves Adi is considered a superfood as it contains all the essential nutrients required for the overall growth and nutrition of our body. It also contains chlorophyll, which according to some studies plays a major role in collagen production.

5. Bell Peppers:

Bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids and several essential minerals that help promote skin health. In addition, it contains an anti-inflammatory mix There is one called capsaicin which can help combat skin aging.

Now that you know which foods help boost collagen production, make them a part of your daily diet without delay. But always remember that moderation is the key.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.