Summer Skincare: 5 Detox Drinks That’ll Nourish Your Skin From Inside

Summer has arrived and it’s time for unwanted rashes, sunburns, lethargy, breakouts and what not. With the extreme heat and humidity throughout the day, our skin starts screaming for extra care and attention. That’s why many dermatologists around the world recommend a proper skin care regime to deal with skin problems in summers. Different Care of skin Keeping your skin hydrated from within is also very important. Water is of utmost importance to hydrate yourself Heat But there are also some detox drinks that quench your thirst, provide you with essential nutrients and keep you hydrated for longer.

These drinks are so easy to make and quick to make, you can even bottle them and take them wherever you go. Be it office, school, college or when you are exploring different places. Now let’s start with the list.

Here is a list of 5 detox drinks for summer skincare:

Cucumber water: Recommended by NDTV Food

Cucumber-based drinks keep your body as well as your skin hydrated, maintaining its pH balance. In fact, it is made up of more than 90 percent water; The high moisture quality makes it a perfect food for skin care. With so many benefits of cucumber, here we bring you an easy-to-make cucumber detox drink. To prepare it, all you have to do is cut a whole cucumber into slices and put them in a large jar of water. Add some salt, mix well and refrigerate overnight. Take a glass of cucumber water from the jar every day till it runs out.

Watermelon Lemonade

Sweet, refreshing and extremely hydrating, watermelon-filled drinks can be the best coolers in the summer season. So, here we bring you another refreshing drink made with the goodness of lemon and watermelon. Click here to watch recipe video.

watermelon juice

Orange and Carrot Detox Drink

A fresh homemade orange juice can refresh us in a matter of minutes. Tart, tangy and full of nutrition, the orange is one fruit that has a distinct fan base for more than one reason. Try this orange and carrot detox drink. click here.


Coconut Water with Lemon and Mint

Coconut water is a great way to hydrate not only your body but also your skin. It contains vitamins C, K and A, which help stimulate collagen production for plump and healthy looking skin. Fill a glass with coconut water and add lemon juice along with the freshness of mint and you have the perfect summer detox drink for you. Find the recipe here.

abc detox drink

Now you must be wondering what is the meaning of ABC. Well, it means a drink made from apples, beets and carrots. This detox drink works wonders in the summer season. Consuming this drink regularly can help you get flawless, healthy and super glowing skin. Find the recipe here.

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so what are you waiting for? Get ready for summer with these detox drinks and tell us about your favorite drink in the comment section below.