Sustainability and denim: addressing the environmental impact of production

Alaya F paired her loose denims with a white crop top. (Image: Instagram)

Denim, known for its durability and versatility, is a popular clothing item; however, the production process of denim is resource-intensive and causes pollution.

Sustainability is often associated with the concepts of reuse, reduce, and recycle, and the same approach is being applied to denim jeans through the emergence of eco-friendly alternatives in the fashion industry.

Denim, known for its durability and versatility, is a popular clothing item, however, the production process of denim is resource-intensive and can cause pollution and waste. The fashion industry is taking steps towards sustainability by implementing methods to reduce the environmental impact of denim production.

From cotton growing to the production process, a major challenge in denim production is the high water consumption. World The Wildlife Fund estimates that it takes 7570 liters of water to make one pair of jeans. “To combat this, denim manufacturers are exploring sustainable cotton alternatives such as organic cotton and recycled cotton. Organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides or fertilizers, protecting farmers and the environment. “Recycled cotton, made from pre-consumer or post-consumer clothing waste, reduces the need to cultivate new cotton,” says Manjula Gandhi, chief product officer at Numero UNO.

The upcoming denim technology is working more towards reducing the overall ecological carbon footprint while keeping the aesthetics intact. “We as a brand are venturing into sustainable processes with the introduction of Re:mine – an initiative that reduces fresh water consumption by recycling and reusing treated water, using cutting-edge technology to reduce impact laundry processes, and eco-chemicals promoting a non-hazardous workplace for our work-force, resulting in less impact on our environment and people,” explains Siddharth Wilson, Production Denims, Spyker.

Use of chemicals in denim production

Another aspect of denim production that can have a negative impact on the environment and health is the use of chemicals for dyeing and finishing the fabric. To reduce this, some denim manufacturers are using natural dyes such as indigo or plant-based dyes that are less toxic and more sustainable. Additionally, some companies are implementing closed-loop systems that recycle the chemicals used in the dyeing process, resulting in a reduction in waste and pollution.

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Sustainability is key for denim

In addition to using sustainable materials and processes, some denim companies are also working to reduce waste. This can include using scraps from denim production to make new products, such as bags or accessories, or using sustainable packaging. “Many companies are now using circular economy practices, meaning they design and produce clothing that can be easily and efficiently reused, repaired, refurbished or recycled. This is a big step towards sustainable fashion,” says Gandhi.

Innovation in technology is also helping to make denim more sustainable. One of the most promising technologies is the use of lasers to create designs and patterns on denim. This eliminates the need for chemicals and water in the process. In addition, sustainable washing techniques are being developed, such as using ozone and enzymes to clean denim instead of traditional methods that rely on large amounts of water and chemicals.

Denim is also an important part of sustainable fashion because of its durability. “Denim is a long-lasting material that can be worn for years, reducing the need to constantly buy new clothes. Additionally, denim can be easily repaired and reused, extending its lifespan.” could be extended further. Many denim companies are now offering repair services, and some are encouraging customers to bring in their old denim for recycling or reuse,” Gandhi said.

Be a conscious consumer of denim

Despite the challenges of making denim production more sustainable, many companies and initiatives are working to reduce the environmental impact of denim. From using sustainable materials and processes to implementing circular economy practices, the denim industry is making strides in creating a more sustainable future. Consumers can also play a role in buying denim from sustainable brands and caring for their denim clothing to extend its life. As the denim industry continues to grow and find new ways to become more sustainable, we can look forward to a future where denim is not only a beloved fashion staple but also an environmentally responsible choice.

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