Swedish MP gets haircut during speech in solidarity with Iranian women – Times of India

Brussels: a member of Sweden European Parliament Got his hair cut during a speech in the EU Assembly Solidarity with anti-government demonstrations in Iran Ethics of 22-year-old ignited by death in police custody mahsa amini,
Iraq-born Abir al-Sahlani told parliament in Strasbourg, France on Tuesday evening: “Until Iran is free, our fury will be greater than that of the oppressors. Until the women of Iran are free, we stand with you.” Will stay.” ,
Then, taking a pair of scissors, he said “Ginnie, xianAzadi” – Kurdish for “woman, life, freedom” – as she cut her ponytail.
leading French actresses including Juliet Binoche And isabelle hupert Locks of hair have also been cut in protest against Amini’s death after he was arrested in Tehran for “inappropriate dress” on 13 September.
Iran’s clerical ruler is grappling with the biggest nationwide unrest in years since his death and protests have spread abroad, including in London, Paris, Rome and Madrid, in solidarity with Iranian protesters.