‘Sweet tip jhok!’ Rahul Gandhi-Jairam Ramesh tussle tries to make Congress appear more compassionate, gentleman

New Delhi: “A bit of banter” – that’s how the official Instagram handle of the Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra described a light-hearted conversation between party leaders Rahul Gandhi and Jairam Ramesh on Thursday.

The light-hearted conversation taken during a travel press conference in Madhya Pradesh and posted with a funny headline underscored the Congress’s efforts to counter the popular perception that the Gandhi scion is an inaccessible leader.

Many in the party hope that such videos and visuals will help the party connect with the masses, especially the youth.

In the 1.23-minute short reel, Jairam Ramesh, the party’s general secretary in-charge of communications, is heard taking Rahul Gandhi’s name at least five times and asking him to shorten his answers. At the same time, Ramesh praised Gandhi for asking 17 questions in 40 minutes.

reel title ,Sour and sweet exchange between Rahul Gandhi and Jairam Ramesh’s press conference! In such a hurry, we solve the issues – something like this happens in a democracy., (Friendly joke between Rahul Gandhi and Jairam Ramesh at a press conference. That’s how we laugh and resolve issues – that’s how democracy works).

During the media meet, Ramesh stands on the dais, takes the mike and addresses Gandhi, “Rahulji, I would like to request you not to take supplementary (questions).” To this Gandhi says “Okay” with a grin on his face.

I listen to people, it’s in my nature. And if it is necessary to do it, I do it too,” says Gandhi, giving several examples.

But Ramesh interrupts him and quips: “Rahulji, I will give a separate loan later because 10 minutes are left. Rahulji would love a separate book about this!,

Gandhi then cited an example from Ramesh with “due permission”, which drew much laughter.

Ramesh then says that the press conference will be extended by another 10 minutes – this time with “due permission” from “Rahulji” – to take more questions from reporters.

The two reach an agreement, Gandhi uses this opportunity to target the BJP. “Let’s take 3 questions… Have you seen the agreement of the Congress party? First of all, not even a single question will be asked on that account. means no chance,’ he says.

ThePrint did it earlier informed of How the videos, photographs, reels etc – posted largely by party handles – are aimed at countering two key criticisms often raised by Rahul’s detractors: that he is a privileged dynast and an inaccessible leader.

At the end of the reel, Ramesh also obliquely mentions Prime Minister Narendra Modi not answering media questions. “Rahulji, you asked 17 questions in 40 minutes; Some people haven’t answered a single question in 17 years,” he says, praising the young leader.

Gandhi replied: “Now some numerologists will say that 17 is inauspicious, make it 18.”

Read also: BJP redoubles its efforts ahead of elections, rattled by Congress’s outreach to Madhya Pradesh’s tribals