Swiggy removes new Holi ‘egg ad’ billboard after social media backlash

Image Source : Arun Yadav (Twitter handle) Swiggy removes new Holi ‘egg ad’ billboard after social media backlash

Controversy: Indian online food ordering and delivery platform, Swiggy is facing backlash for its new advertisement executed for the festival of Holi. A billboard advertising Swiggy’s eggs for Holi has been removed after users expressed their outrage on social media. As per reports, the hoardings depicting the eggs were only in Delhi-NCR.

billboards taken down

The ad said, “Omelette – Sunny side-up – On someone’s head. Play #BuramaatKhelo. Get Holi essentials on Instamart.” While there is no official statement from Swiggy on the matter, a source told PTI, “The billboard ads were only in Delhi-NCR and have now been removed.”

Soon after the ad was put up, several people tweeted with the hashtag “Hinduphobic Swiggy”, urging people to boycott the food and grocery delivery service provider.

outrage on social media

Akhil Bhartiya Sadhu Samaj member and former president of Kutch Sant Samaj wrote, “Hey @swiggy, giving selective knowledge on Hindu festivals is not okay. Your Holi reels and billboards are creating a misconception about Holi. You should apologise.” More steps should be taken.” To promote cultural inclusivity.”

VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi also objected, writing, “Hey Swiggy, why don’t you give the same knowledge on Eid/Christmas? Afraid of beheading gang? Since you serve diverse communities, it’s important to you That you learn to respect everyone.” Religion. Take down your Holi ads.”

While former president of Gujarat’s Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, Hardik Bhavsar said, “immediate uninstall”, former BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh Arun Kumar Yadav wrote, “By promoting controversial hoardings and posting reels, #HinduPhobicSwiggy has killed millions of people. Have hurt sentiments. Swiggy should apologize to the Hindu community and remove them immediately, or face the consequences. Why the lack of similar ads during non-Hindu festivals?”

(With inputs from PTI)

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