Swiggy’s latest ‘Bournvita’ meme makes the internet nostalgic

The word ‘Bournvita’ immediately takes us down the memory lane. Correct? As kids, when we used to throw tantrums to drink a glass of plain milk, a scoop of Bournvita would come to the rescue. Not just with milk, some of us sneak into the kitchen and eat it just like that. Let’s admit it, we’ve all done it at one point or another. After all, we are talking about Bournvita! Whether it’s the crisp texture or the instant chocolate taste, nothing compares to the joy of drying it. Even today, most of us have a packet of Borvita lying on our kitchen shelf. You never know when you feel like picking up a spoonful and savoring it. Wondering why are we talking about Bournvita today?! This is because of the latest post by Swiggy. The food delivery platform shared the Bournvita meme. The meme shows a teary-eyed cat holding a bottle of Bournvita. The text reads, “Ever since I stopped eating dry Bournvita, my life started downfall. (From the moment I stopped consuming raw Bournvita, life has started showing a decline). well, do you agree? At least, we totally do!

Read also: Swiggy asks what if “your crush says they hate tea?” internet reply with funny gif

The latest upload has grabbed a lot of attention on social media. People have shared their Bournvita memories in the comments section and it has made us nostalgic.

One user said,Ever since mummy stopped blooming with her hand, life’s downfall has begun (Ever since my mother stopped feeding me with her hands, since then my life has started to decline)”.

Read also: Viral Now: Swiggy plays tricks on Zomato, Blinkit’s campaign; Twitter reacts

Another wrote,Truth! swiggy now start ordering bournvita at home (Swiggy, now start delivering Bournvita to our doorsteps too)”

About the good old days this man said,i still he ya my downfall why hora h (I’m still doing it, but I don’t know why, I’m facing a downfall in life)”

“Paddle bro, it doesn’t work to tell from where the downfall started.”

The latest Bournvita meme has caught the attention of “raw Maggi” fans.

What childhood memories do you have with Bournvita?

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