swings of joy

TeaThat word swing immediately conjures up images of swings on children’s playgrounds, gardens and porches, and those manipulated by acrobats in a circus. In Indian homes, however, the traditional swing, called Anjal either swing, has always been a symbol of happiness and relaxation. It consists of a strong rectangular plank that hangs from hard iron chains attached to the ceiling of a hall or balcony. Its most attractive feature is its back-and-forth movement that we are familiar with when we were shaken in a cradle and sleepy.

In my early school days, I used to enjoy visiting my ancestral home, which had a huge hall with a carved rosewood swing, splendidly hanging in the middle. Removing nearby furniture, I used it for play and energetic swings with the neighboring kids. Being there since the time of my great-grandfather, it carried fond memories which added to its charm.

Traditional, with spacious homes offering apartment space Anjal Slowly demolished from most homes. Those interested in having a swing have shifted to smaller versions such as the Rattan Bucket Chair, Hammock, Macrame Chair and Tier Swing.

Yet people who are accustomed to the traditional type with its distinctive creek are not quite as comfortable with the other types.

Anjal Literature, folk art, hymns, music and films abound. It is also associated with the themes of many festivals in different parts of India. Anjal The festival is celebrated with enthusiasm in the temples when the images of deities are placed in the accompaniment of music and gently shaken.

Anjal The ceremony is an important ritual in the marriages of a section of the Tamil people. In Kerala, the swinging tradition is an integral part of the Onam festival. Swinging is considered an exercise that promotes health. It reduces stress, helps build core strength, improves balance, and more.

a swing One of the most important parts of the house in Gujarat and Rajasthan. With the changing times, they have got a modern makeover.

when i got a traditional Anjal Recently placed to order, the trader said that there has been a revival of interest in the traditional swing. He said that people were going in various swings during the lockdown.

Anjal Suppliers are happy that they get more orders than ever before not only from local residents but also from NRIs who have the space and memories for swings in India.

So, happy swing!
