Symptoms of Omicron in Children: Experts List ‘5’ Symptoms of the Kovid Version

Infections caused by the coronavirus are said to be less severe Children, However, with COVID-19 once again growing at a furious pace, fueled by the highly contagious omicron There is also an increased risk of the disease in children, of the COVID-19 type, especially because they have not yet been vaccinated.

Addressing this concern, experts pointed out that even though there has been an increase in the number of covid In children, the symptoms are mild. Moreover, the impact of the current surge of COVID-19 cases on children so far has not been much.

“As we are witnessing increasing number of COVID-19 cases with all Omron and Delta variants jointly responsible for this increase. As of now the impact on children is not so much due to Omicron, but adults are getting affected a lot,” said Dr Harish Chafle, Senior Consultant – Pulmonology & Critical Care, Global Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, as quoted by Hindustan Is. Times.

Having said that, children are still at risk of developing the infection because they are still uninfected. As is well known, this variant is highly contagious and thus cases are increasing rapidly among adults who are coming out in public gatherings,” Chafley said.


Regarding the symptoms related to Omicron, the expert said that the children who have been infected with the new variant mainly show upper respiratory tract infections like fever, runny nose, sore throat, body aches and dry cough.

the protection

Since, children are yet to be vaccinated, it is paramount to follow proper COVID-appropriate behavior such as wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, cleaning regularly, etc. Also, adults in the household should take precautions so as not to bring the virus home.

“As far as the safety of children is concerned, we know that wearing a mask is the only absolute proof that we can prevent them from getting infected in any way. So, for this to happen in this age group, Adults should start following the appropriate behavior of covid and set a role. Model for children to follow. Adults should wear masks properly so that youth learn to wear masks and of course follow hand hygiene, says Dr. Chauffe, as quoted by HT.

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