Syria: Terrorists attack bus in desert, kill 5 soldiers – Times of India

Damascus: Terrorists attack a bus carrying soldiers on a desert highway in the middle SyriaState media reported on Monday that five soldiers were killed and 20 wounded.
state news agency sana He said the attack took place on Sunday night in an area controlled by the government. The report quoted an unnamed official as saying that the militants fired rockets at the bus. palm tree desert, then followed him with bullets from an anti-aircraft cannon.
The official blamed Islamic State militants for the attack. IS militants remain active in southern and central Syria, despite losing territorial control in the country since 2019.
Sanaa said attacks on buses traveling along the highway connecting central Syria to the east were common, alleging that US troops stationed there were facilitating the attacks.
AssadThe US government has repeatedly made such allegations against the US and coalition troops. al-tanfu, US troops maintain a limited presence in Syria to train and work with Kurdish-led Syrian forces and opposition fighters in counter-terrorism efforts.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war, said suspected IS militants ambushed a military convoy, killing at least nine soldiers and members of government-affiliated militias. The group said 15 were injured. The various reports could not be reconciled immediately.
