Syria: UN Syria Inquiry Commission urges Security Council to provide aid to Syria – Times of India

Geneva: As Syria facing its worst economic and humanitarian crisis since the start of the conflict, united nations syria commission Of Inquiry has warned the Security Council that it would be a failure of the highest order if aid is not provided to the millions of Syrians in dire need of aid.
The current UN Security Council extraordinary authorization for the delivery of humanitarian aid through the last remaining border crossing in northwestern Syria expires on 10 July.
As the country faces its worst economic and humanitarian crisis since the start of the conflict, the international community must protect existing, life-saving cross-border aid and keep its funding promises to support this aid. should increase, the UN Human Rights Office High Read Commissioner said in his press release on Thursday.
Last week, members of the Security Council expressed concern over the need to expand this authority, which since 2014 has guaranteed access to much-needed aid for millions of Syrians.
“It is a moral abomination that a Security Council resolution was deemed necessary in itself to facilitate cross-border assistance in case of persistent violations – by the Syrian government and other parties – to allow and facilitate humanitarian relief.” for their obligations under international law to citizens in need.” paulo pinheiroThe chairman of the United Nations Syria Commission said.
The vote comes as humanitarian needs across Syria are at their highest level since the start of the devastating 11-year conflict. The United Nations estimates that 14.6 million Syrians are now dependent on humanitarian aid, the highest ever recorded. Across Syria, 12 million people face severe food insecurity – an astonishing 51 percent increase since 2019.
The humanitarian situation is deteriorating in opposition-held northwestern Syria due to ongoing hostilities and a deepening economic crisis. There are about 4.1 million people who depend on aid to meet their basic needs, and 80 percent of them are women and children.
Through cross-border operations authorized by the Security Council, aid reaches approximately 2.4 million each month. This lifeline is important to the population in northwestern Syria. While some aid is delivered cross-line from within Syria, these deliveries are of little, insufficient volume and are exposed to attacks along a dangerous delivery route that crosses an active front line.
“Aid delivery should be based only on a transparent and impartial humanitarian assessment, whether achieved through cross-line or cross-border modalities. All barriers to humanitarian aid must be removed. because of the sanctions they are involved in, even if unintentionally,” the commissioner Lynn Welchman Told.
The UN Syria Commission also pointed to the dangerous trajectory of a steady contraction of cross-border humanitarian aid delivery. The Security Council first adopted a resolution in 2014, authorizing the delivery of aid from four across the border into northern Syria without the consent of the Syrian government. Since 2020, three crossings have been excluded from the scope of the resolution, leaving Bab el-Hawa as the only remaining authorized border crossing.
“The parties to the conflict have consistently failed in their obligation to allow and facilitate the quick and unhindered passage of humanitarian relief to civilians in need throughout Syria. It is unintuitive that discussions focus on whether there is a need for aid.” Whether or not to close the remaining authorized border crossings. Instead of expanding access to life-saving assistance across the country and through every appropriate route, “the commissioner hannie megaly added.
During its 11 years of investigation into the conflict, the commission has documented how hostilities, including attacks affecting emergency relief personnel, transport and infrastructure, as well as further violence and insecurity, have led to humanitarian attacks across the country. hindered the delivery of aid.
It has also been found that both government and non-state armed groups have repeatedly used humanitarian aid within Syria for political bargaining, and often deliberately withheld it from specific populations, especially those under siege. In all regions of Syria, staff members of humanitarian organizations continue to run the risk of being harassed, arbitrarily arrested and detained.
The conflict in Ukraine has not only damaged diplomatic relations and communication channels on Syria within the Security Council, but it is also causing unprecedented economic hardship for Syria and its people, with skyrocketing prices of wheat and other commodities. lack of. Rapidly rising unemployment is pushing large sections of the population into extreme poverty.
Earlier this month, humanitarian aid organizations sounded the alarm at the Brussels VI conference on Syria organized by the European Union.
“The funding for humanitarian aid is not yet enough to meet the needs and protect the Syrian people,” said Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the UN Syria Commission. “The international community can no longer spare the Syrian people. They have endured 11 years of devastating conflict that have caused unspeakable suffering. They have never been more poor and in need of our help.”