Say Goodbye To Heartburn, Bloating And Acidity Problems With These Nutritionist-Approved Home Remedies

Whether you are 10 or 80, experiencing digestive problems is very common. In fact, it is…

How To Improve Digestion: 3 Things You Should Never Do After Meals As Per Nutritionist

Do you experience acidity or other digestive issues right after eating your meal? There can be…

Oops! Burping Too Often? Know The Culprits Behind It And Avoid The Embarrassment

We’ve all experienced it-those sudden, sometimes embarrassing bursts of gas escaping from our mouths, commonly known…

Bhagyashree’s Chilka Moong Dal Khichdi Is Your One-Stop Solution For Acidity Or Constipation

Actor and nutritionist Bhagyashree is back with her culinary escapade. Bhagyashree’s food tips are a treat for every…

5 Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Acidity And Heartburn

Are you tired of the burning sensation in your chest caused by acidity, also known as…

How To Beat The Stomach Heat: 5 Delicious Foods For Instant Relief

Stomach discomfort caused by excessive heat is a common issue that plagues many individuals. Often exacerbated…

Yoga For Digestive Health: 5 Daily Yoga Asanas To Enhance Gut Health And Aid Digestion

Digestive issues have become increasingly prevalent. Stress, poor dietary habits, and sedentary lifestyles can wreak havoc…

Turmeric Can Help Treat Indigestion As Good As Antacid, Claims Study

A natural compound found in the culinary spice turmeric may be as effective as omeprazole –…

Boost Digestion Yoga And Pranayama: 3 Poses To Practice Post-Dinner

Maintaining good digestive health is essential for overall well-being. Yoga and pranayama, the practice of controlled…

7 Yoga Asanas To Relieve Acidity And Promote Healthy Digestion

In today’s fast-paced world, the rising prevalence of acidity-related issues has prompted individuals to seek holistic…