How to Cook Food in an Air Fryer – Easy Tips You Must Follow

Don’t we all love delicious fried chicken or crispy fish with chips, followed by a luscious…

How to make Tandoori Chicken in Air Fryer

The time for bonfires, card parties, singing and dancing is here. We can’t wait to come…

About Air Fryer Recipe: 7 Veg Snacks You Can Make in an Air Fryer

Many of us have tried cooking in less oil over the years. And thanks to the…

Things you need to know before buying an air fryer

Kitchen appliances can make your life interesting, and save you time in the kitchen. One such…

5 interesting ways to use your air fryer as suggested by Reddit

Celebrations in India are all about gift-giving. From companies to family and friends, there is a…

Amazon Sale 2021: Up to 50% off on Air Fryers

Love fried food but hate greasy and oily? Don’t worry, air fryers are to your rescue!…