Rohingya: Thousands of Rohingya shops demolished, Bangladesh confirms – Times of India

Cox’s Bazar: Bangladesh Authorities have bulldozed off more than 3,000 Rohingya-run shops since last month, a…

monitoring as a government

While maintenance of law and order is paramount, right to privacy and informed consent cannot be…

Amnesty urges Pakistan to end forced disappearances

There was no immediate comment from the government, which has repeatedly denied the allegations. Amnesty International…

Pegasus probe will reverse the ‘chilling effect’

The complacency of the government in the espionage case is worse than its alleged involvement in…

Syria: Syria says it killed 24 to kindle deadly wildfire – Times of India

Damascus: Syria 24 people have been sentenced to death after pleading guilty to terrorism charges for…

Taliban: UN says Taliban will announce plans for girls’ education ‘soon’ – Times of India

United Nations: The Taliban Will announce a framework that allows girls to go to school “soon”…

Bangladesh plans to take 81,000 Rohingyas to island after UN deal: Officials – Times of India

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Bangladesh wants to send more than 80,000 Rohingya refugee to a remote island…

Uneasy peace in Syria’s Dara after ceasefire – Times of India

Section, SyriaAn uneasy peace prevailed in a city in southern Syria on Sunday as the opposition-held…