Can any woman lay claim to her son’s assets without a will?

My husband died without creating a will. He owned a few properties and had some investments…

Can I draft a will that benefits my family as per my terms?

I am 54-years-old and live with my wife and son . I own the house we…

‘Uniform norms needed to value bankrupt cos’ assets’

New Delhi: Uniform standards are needed to value assets of companies facing bankruptcy proceedings to ensure…

Can a live-in partner claim share in assets?

My mother died almost 15 years ago. Since then, my father was living with his partner…

Inheritance: How to draft a will that cannot be easily challenged

Any individual can draft a will that outlines how they would like their assets to be…

Will is key to safeguarding your family’s inheritance

Ramu was engrossed in a Netflix show, sprawled on his couch, when an unexpected interruption shattered…

EU Parliament Backs World’s First Rules To Regulate Crypto Assets

European Parliament heavily supported thursday European UnionThe first set of rules to regulate the crypto asset…