India is a huge market for earning NFT games. why over here

In web3 game, NFT Marketplaces provide liquidity to users as they are rewarded for their gameplay.…

The US hedge fund genius of the cryptosphere has failed

Cryptocurrencies should have taught traditional financiers a thing or two about how to survive collapse and…

Web3 is a decentralized new virtual world business model

Helium is a Wi-Fi network owned and operated by cryptocurrencies. You sign up, plug a device…

Unleashing the full potential of the play-and-earn gaming ecosystem

The online gaming industry is seeing an influx of Web3 gaming models, which are attracting a…

Is the NFT market losing steam? Global sales volume halved in March

NFT Last year became one of the biggest stories in cryptocurrency. Their popularity skyrocketed in 2021,…

How hackers target bridges between blockchains for crypto robberies

The $540 million cryptocurrency heist revealed last week marks the latest in a string of eye-popping…

Hackers Stole Over $600 Million in Crypto. washing it is the hard part

Hackers uncovered a theft last week March 23 from players of the online game “Axi Infinity”.…

Big-ticket crypto hackers are a new threat to Web 3 ventures

A popular blockchain game called Axie Infinity may have suffered the biggest security breach in the…

Hackers Stole Over $600 Million in One of the Biggest Crypto Heists Ever

Ronin Network said the attack purged 173,600 ether and $25 million worth of stablecoins (Representational) San…

Why we should welcome the metaverse of online gaming

When AlphaGo, a self-taught computer program that plays the board game Go, defeated world champion, Master…