Unwanted ‘Buzz’: Scottish Bar Forced To Close For A Day Due To Giant Swarm Of Bees

A bar in the city centre of Glasgow, Scotland, was obliged to shut for a day…

Twitter user shares picture of Purple Honey from North Carolina, stuns the internet

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of honey? For most…

Now, gift a Bee Box to your local farmer by buying NFT

Dinesh Kshatriya from Chennai, the first person in India to be welcomed into the Metaverse, has…

Why is 20 May celebrated as World Bee Day? Theme, History, Significance and Celebrations

World Bee Day 2022: We celebrate World Bee Day around the world on 20 May. The…

US beekeeper challenges internet to find queen bee in viral photo of hive

The post, which garnered over 10,440 likes, left internet users trying to find the queen bee…

Sir David Attenborough ‘buzzes’ Adelaide Shopping Center after misunderstanding over bee colonies

Renowned BBC broadcaster and naturalist, David Attenborough, recently wrote to a shopping center in Adelaide, Australia,…

Scientists find gut bacteria that enhance memory in bees

A study sprouting from a collaboration of several universities shows that particular species of gut bacteria…