AI advisory: Why investors and Big Tech are upset

There is regulatory confusion over the ministry of electronics and information technology’s advisory for firms to…

The ‘godfather’ of AI should have spoken earlier

Geoffrey Hinton, the so-called godfather of artificial intelligence, says it’s hard not to be worried about…

Share common interest with policymakers on user security: Meta’s Antigone Davis

How do you view user security in the face of emerging regulations? We share the same…

Amazon, Google, Microsoft to face parliamentary standing committee

Last Update: 22 August 2022, 21:36 IST The logos of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are…

Parliamentary panel to convene large tech firms to discuss competitive practices

According to the report of news agency PTI, a parliamentary panel has decided to call representatives…

China informs firms of tougher investment rules for big tech

China has notified some of the companies of new rules that require the country’s biggest internet…

Apple, Amazon slap over $225 million in antitrust fines in Italy

The Italian Competition Authority, or AGCM, said on Tuesday it is fining Apple 134.5 million euros…