Wall St jumps as December jobs report eases rate concerns

Wall Street’s main indexes rose on Friday as a slew of economic data calmed concerns over…

Digital Competition Bill may reach the House in the monsoon session

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has accepted the suggestion of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on…

The great crisis of Big Tech i.e. the innovation curve had stabilized

Joshua Brower, a 26-year-old UK-based entrepreneur, recently supercharged his core product in a way he could…

For US tech, there are hidden risks in India’s draft privacy bill

There is not much that the Government of India and Meta Platforms see eye-to-eye on. And…

Life Beyond US Technology Layoffs

Over the past few weeks, several high-profile US tech companies have announced layoffs. Meta is laying…

Mass layoffs are an old mistake in Big Tech

Far from the cutting edge, these layoffs mark a revival of long-discredited corporate strategies. If the…

Why is Big Tech in trouble?

Updated: November…

a meta morph

After Twitter, Meta is now planning to lay off a large number of employees. Practice can…

Effective investigation needed to establish Big Tech rules: CCI President

New Delhi Tech giants enjoy rule-making powers in a digital economy, which gives them a dominant…

It’s no surprise that so many Big Tech CEOs grew up in India

The bus to my Cambridge college arrived on time, stopped right at the bus stop, lowered…