Microsoft lays off employees due to global meltdown

New Delhi: The economic slowdown has reached Big Tech and Satya Nadella-run Microsoft has become the…

US Supreme Court ruling could undermine government efforts to rein in Big Tech

The Supreme Court’s latest climate change decision could undermine federal agencies’ efforts to rein in the…

Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Other Kids App Could Spy On Your Kids, Claims Study

In a world that perpetuates the adage “data is the new oil”, privacy takes a bigger…

Big Tech and Big Food both resemble Big Tobacco today

I’ve been on the binge in the days leading up to last weekend. The binge was…

Data Privacy in Big Tech Still a Mystery to Observers

It is a well established fact that personal digital data has no boundaries. Many of us…

Global digital tax deal may not be ready until early 2024, says French finance minister

The deal aims to reallocate tax rights to large digital conglomerates such as Apple and Google…

Decoding Big Tech, Antitrust

Big tech has always seen a scramble for control of cyberspace, with groups with hundreds of…

Wall Street buoyed by earnings growth; Big Tech bounces back

US stock indexes rose on Wednesday after encouraging results from several companies that partially started off…

Big tech and foes clash on bill to curb market power of major internet platforms

The antitrust law, to be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, would bar major…

Spying on Big Tech Might Do a Better Job Than Dividing Firms

Over the years, with social media firms piling themselves on billions of data to boost big…