जरा सा चलने पर फूल जाती है सांस, तो जानें क्‍या हो सकते हैं कारण, इस गंभीर बीमारी के हो सकते हैं लक्षण

1. मोटापा : अगर आप मोटापे की समस्या से पीड़ित हैं तो आपको जल्दी थकान महसूस होगी…

EXCLUSIVE- Travelling To The Mountains? Expert Explains How Sudden Cardiac Arrest Can Be Triggered At High Altitudes

According to a recent research from the American Heart Association that offers guidance against engaging in…

Sleep disturbances linked to prolonged breathing: Study

If you are facing breathing problems after covid during the day, also check if you are…

H3N2 Strain of Influenza Virus Outbreak: Take Precautions to Stay Safe

Influenza virus has long been a global health concern, with millions of cases occurring each year.…

What causes shortness of breath or shortness of breath?

Some people may experience sudden shortness of breath for a short time (Representational image Shutterstock) Shortness…

What is panic attack? symptoms and treatment

Dr Shruti Sharma, Psychiatrist at Sharda Hospital, says that the heart beat increases due to panic…