Scientists explore ‘injecting ice’ to reduce water vapor and cool Earth

Climate Change from Global Warming are not unknown phenomenon. However, a recent study has said a…

Scientists find new hack to deal with a warming planet; Here’s how

Water vapour — water in its gas form — is a natural greenhouse gas that traps…

The many prices of carbon dioxide

Ask an economist what something scarce should cost and they will normally say whatever someone is…

Italian Winemaker Drowns In Wine Vat While Trying To Save Colleague

Mr Bettolini worked at the company since 2018. A winemaker in Italy died after trying to…

NASA’s James Webb Telescope detects possible signs of life on distant exoplanet

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may have stumbled upon tentative evidence suggesting signs of life on…

How can India compete with the EU’s carbon tax?

The government is reportedly considering various strategies to deal with the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment…

Can synthetic fuel save the internal combustion engine?

Formula 1 has committed to becoming net zero carbon by 2030. The way he intends to…

The ocean is as important to the climate as the atmosphere

It is this ocean circulation that, by redistributing heat, limits the temperature difference between the tropics…

India needs a concrete strategy to counter EU carbon tax

Mint reported last week that ministerial consultations are underway to determine whether the EU’s carbon tax…

Could curbing cow burps slow down global warming?

Methane produced by “cow burps” is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions from…