After Europe’s carbon tax, Germany props up fresh hurdles for Indian companies

For Indian businesses already subject to Europe’s carbon tax, Germany’s supply chain rules would mean additional…

JSL’s Hisar plant to be hub for green hydrogen production

NEW DELHI : Jindal Stainless Ltd is set to upgrade its facilities in Hisar, Haryana as…

JSW readies for CBAM era with 4 mt green steel unit

NEW DELHI : JSW Steel Ltd, India’s second-largest maker of the alloy, plans to establish a…

Mint Explainer: Is the EU’s carbon tax an unfair ‘lagaan’?

New Delhi: The European Union’s much-debated ‘carbon tax’ on imported goods, which has industrial goods manufacturers…

India is planning to impose a carbon tax on EU imports. reports

Updated: June 19, 2023, 08:36 PM IST livemint India plans to…

India needs a concrete strategy to counter EU carbon tax

Mint reported last week that ministerial consultations are underway to determine whether the EU’s carbon tax…

EU carbon tax to face Indian scrutiny over WTO rules

New Delhi The government has begun ministerial consultations on the impact of the EU carbon tax…

How India plans to challenge the EU’s new carbon tax. Details

Updated: March 21, 2023, 07:17 PM IST livemint From January 1,…

Trade and climate, the pivot of India-US relations

The two fields are intertwined and will give additional strength to the foundation of a true…