Limits of American Power in West Asia

In 1980, faced with the prospect of the Soviet Union expanding its reach to the Gulf,…

Do nuclear weapons convoy scenes confirm Putin’s warning of a nuclear threat?

Nine months into the war Russian President Vladimir Putin waged in Ukraine, threats of nuclear war…

Making sense of New Delhi’s Taliban interactions

As a ‘civilizational state’ and a driving global power, India cannot behave as a transactional, opportunistic…

CIA appoints Indian-origin IT specialist Nandani as Chief Personnel Officer for the first time

Knowledge of Indian Examination Science in Delhi-. Fruits: first: this also further The earned agent announced…

CIA appoints Nand Moolchandani as its first Chief Technology Officer

The United States’ premier intelligence agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, has appointed its first Chief Technology…

India’s record of rights, America’s blurred vision

Washington’s diplomatic embrace is giving New Delhi a definite immunity from international criticism Recent Indian foreign…

Violence in a haunted battlefield

Institutional neutrality is one such measure that can prevent Afghanistan from becoming a geopolitical pivot and…

nuclear broadcaster that was never charged

AQ Khan’s defense of the US parallels the Pakistani military’s policy of not punishing collusion with…

nuclear broadcaster that was never charged

AQ Khan’s defense of the US parallels the Pakistani military’s policy of not punishing collusion with…