Chandrayaan-3: ISRO will wait another 14 days to get signals from

Indian Space Research Organization will wait another 14 days to establish contact with Chandrayaan-3’s Vikram lander…

Chandrayaan-3: ISRO to ‘wake up’ Vikram lander, Pragyan rover on Sept 23

Chandrayaan-3 Highlights: All eyes on Chandrayaan-3, as ISRO attempts to revive ‘Vikram lander and Pragyan rover…

Will ISRO’s Chandrayaan-3 lander and rover wake up today?

Chandrayaan-3: With dawn breaking on the Moon, ISRO is now gearing up to try to reestablish…

ISRO congratulates JAXA on launch of H-IIA rocket carrying lander SLIM to Moon

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) congratulated Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on September 7 for the…

Vikram lander hops successfully on lunar surface – Why is this significant?

The Vikram Lander aboard Chandrayaan 3 underwent a successful hop test on Monday before going into…

Chandrayaan-3 mission updates: Watch | Vikram lander soft lands on Moon again

The Indian Space Reserach Organisation (ISRO) on Monday said that Vikram lander soft landed on the…

Chandrayaan-3: What will Pragyan rover, Vikram lander do now?

In a remarkable feat, Chandrayaan-3 accomplished a flawless soft-landing on the Moon’s southern pole on August…

Chandrayaan 3: What to expect in ‘critical’ last hour of moon mission landing

Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission aims for a historic soft landing on the Moon’s south pole on Wednesday.…

चांद पर तिरंगा : बस कुछ घंटों का इंतजार, इतिहास रचने को चंद्रयान-3 तैयार; पूरी दुनिया की टिकी नजरें

नई दिल्ली: भारत का तीसरा मून मिशन चंद्रयान-3 कुछ ही घंटों में इतिहास रचने वाला है.…

चंद्रयान-3 : इतिहास रचने के लिए 4 साल पहले फेल हुए चंद्रयान-2 से ISRO ने क्या लिया सबक?

चंद्रयान-2 को लगभग 4 साल पहले 22 जुलाई 2019 को चंद्रमा की ओर भेजा गया था,…