Corroborating Darwin’s theory of evolution and time in modern day investing practice

Do we still recall Charles Darwin, the visionary who revolutionized our understanding of the natural world?…

Cruising catches on among Indians in search of new experiences

In May, avid traveller Sunu Mathew and her friends had taken a seven-night cruise from Barcelona…

Cruising catches on among Indians in search of new experiences

In May, avid traveller Sunu Mathew and her friends had taken a seven-night cruise from Barcelona…

on the shoulders of giants

Recently, I have taken an interest in learning and exploring science through the lens of history,…

AI-human collaboration will fuel innovation

Fans of artificial intelligence (AI), such as Google’s Ian Goodfellow, the inventor of the phenomenal generative…

How to Think Like Albert Einstein

Diligence and isolation are key elements in the formation of revolutionary ideas. Can our classes prepare…

Charles Darwin’s death anniversary: ​​Lesser known facts about the ‘Father of Evolution’

One of the most influential figures, Charles Darwin is known for his remarkable contributions to science…

Charles Darwin’s notebook missing for 20 years returned to Cambridge – Times of India

London: Two Naturalists Charles DarwinNotebooks that were reported to have been stolen Cambridge The university library…

Is a more humane society possible?

Our adaptive abilities to a more human civilization are constrained by the need to survive on…

Charles Darwin family microscope to be sold at auction – Times of India

London: a microscope Charles Darwin gave to his son Leonard And which has been in the…