Select ‘Safe Surrender’ on Child Abandonment

A major reason for child abandonment is the lack of awareness across India about the law…

Kerala: Priest for sexually abusing boys gets 18 years rigorous imprisonment Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: A Catholic priest has been sentenced to 18 years of rigorous imprisonment by the POCSO…

Protest against Ambedkar Memorial in place of hostel in Hassan

The decision of the State Government to build a memorial of BR Ambedkar in AK Boarding…

In Rajasthan village, a case has been registered against a minor boy for having sex with a 15-year-old cousin. Jodhpur News – Times of India

JODHPUR: A minor boy has been arrested here for allegedly impregnating his 15-year-old cousin who gave…

Rajasthan: Principal arrested for raping minor, 2 arrested for saving female teacher Jaipur News – Times of India

Jaipur: a day later Jhunjhunu Police 31 year old principal of government school arrested Rajasthan Rajasthan…