China’s air force says it can protect ‘territorial integrity’, referring to Taiwan – Times of India

BEIJING: China will “strongly defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity”, an Air Force spokesman said on…

Taiwanese jets scuffle as China’s Air Force enters air defense zone – Times of India

Taipei: TaiwanThe Air Force scrambled on Tuesday to warn 29 Chinese airplane Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said…

“China closely monitoring Russia-Ukraine conflict”: US intelligence director

William Burns said this would not change China’s long-term goals of gaining control of Taiwan. Washington:…

China slams ‘crazy’ Australian ex-PM Abbott for Taiwan remarks – Times of India

Taipei: China’s embassy in Australia said former prime minister Tony Abbott A “pathetic” politician was on…

On rising tension with Taiwan, China said, ‘Reunification will be realized’

“The complete integration of our country will be and can be realized,” Xi Jinping said. AFP…