China’s industrial profit growth falls as raw material prices fall – Times of India

Beijing: Profit of Chinese industrial firms grew at a very slow pace in November bureau of…

china richest

According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, China has overtaken the US to become the…

China’s coal addiction runs deeper than economics

China is facing a lot of criticism for not announcing more ambitious targets at the COP26…

China: Repeated Kovid lockdown, restrictions hinder business

Despite implementing a zero tolerance policy against Kovid-19, there has been a spurt in the cases…

Despite Slow Export Growth, China Economic Outlook Upbeat

China’s future economic outlook looks upbeat despite slow export growth China’s export growth slowed in October,…

How an Evergrande Collapse Could Cascade Through China

A critical supply chain in China is exposed to Evergrande On October 15, the People’s Bank…

China’s lost pace

China’s gross domestic product grew 4.9% in September from the three months a year earlier, according…

GDP growth in China’s third quarter at 1-year low, heat on policy makers

China’s economy has recovered from the epidemic, but the pace of recovery is slowing down. Beijing:…

China’s love for luxury may be reestablished by their shared prosperity

General Prosperity, President Xi Jinping’s policy directive, will not remove luxury goods from Chinese malls. But…

China’s growth risk multiplies as manufacturing activity shrinks – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Activity in China’s sprawling factory sector shrank in September for the first time since…