Visit India’s most iconic bakeries making traditional Christmas cakes

Not all plum cakes are created equal—some are flavored with warm notes of cinnamon and nutmeg,…

Watch: Chef makes Sacred Trident from ‘Aquaman’ out of chocolate

Internet users have been blown away by this creation. We all love watching food videos. Even…

5 quick and easy chocolate recipes that will keep you warm this winter

Eating chocolate is often associated with joy and celebration. Cocoa, the primary ingredient in making chocolate,…

Children’s Day Special: Check out these five delicious recipes to cook for your little ones

Muffins are definitely the best dish to make and feed your kids on this special occasion.…

5 Unique Chocolate Recipes Every Chocolate Lover Must Try

No matter how bad your day is, a piece of chocolate can instantly lift your spirits.…

Now You Can Make the Most Delicious Almond Butter Cookies at Home

Last Update: 26 October 2022, 15:21 IST These cookies sure look tempting. (image: AP) Try this…

Fons Chocolatier has a ready-to-drink hot chocolate mix

cup, pour, stir, sip To make sipping hot chocolate fun without the hassle of stepping out,…

How to Make Chocolate and Walnut Brownies for Weekend Enjoyment

Brownies are one of the most favorite desserts out there. These little squares of chocolate baked…

Watch: Woman makes chocolate paratha with ice cream, internet divided

Paratha is one of the most preferred breakfast options in North India. These flatbreads are typically…

WATCH: Baby tries chocolate cupcakes for the first time; their response is too sweet to miss

Children are indeed a bundle of joy. No matter what they do, they can instantly put…