What are the effects of credit counselling on your CIBIL score?

When you fall ill, you are advised to see a doctor. Similarly, when your credit score…

Can you improve your CIBIL score in a month?

Improving your CIBIL score, or any credit score for that matter, typically takes time and consistent…

How to educate your children about CIBIL score?

Children should be taught about responsible financial behaviour, which also includes the concepts relating to credit…

How do personal loans affect your CIBIL score?

Personal loans can have both positive and negative effects on your CIBIL score, depending on how…

CIBIL Score: What should you do if you find unauthorised inquiries on your credit report?

If you discover unauthorised inquiries on your credit report from CIBIL or any other credit bureau,…

How clearing your credit card debt improves your CIBIL score

Clearing your credit card debt in full usually improves your CIBIL score. It shows responsible credit…

Credit Score: Look out for these 5 common errors in your CIBIL report

Credit experts say that investors should check their credit reports from time to time, and make…

Using multiple credit cards? Be mindful of these 6 key points

It can certainly be quite challenging to manage multiple credit cards, but if you follow right…

How can you increase your credit limit without hurting your CIBIL score?

When you raise your credit limit, it – more often than not — positively impacts your…