from India to India

Given India’s diversity and complexity, the only constitutionally valid common denominator is citizenship Given India’s diversity…

Restore the heritage of common people of India

The spewing of hatred, now in a new and dangerous dimension, is undermining the Constitution and…

From the right of citizenship to being the beneficiary of political liberalism

Of the five Indian states where elections were held, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) victory in…

For Citizen Solidarity: On Citizenship for the Chakma/Hajong People

NHRC has done the right thing by directing the Ministry of Home Affairs and Government of…

Why is Republic Day celebrated?

India is a republic only if its laws arise from free public discussion and undergo open…

Basic Rules of ‘A Land of Many’

Today, some in positions of power in India are questioning those rules – which makes them…

Canada: With 27,660 admitted as permanent residents in Canada, Indians lead the pack in 2020 – Times of India

Mumbai: After more than a hundred years, Canada Reached historic high by welcoming over 4.01 lakh…

Disturbing question: On the misunderstanding of CBSE

Instead of dispelling stereotypes, school officials are repeating old mistakes The road to gender equality is…

Question of citizenship in the Constituent Assembly

The Constituent Assembly debate on citizenship showed that farsightedness had the upper hand in arousing feelings…

Indian knowledge system, local flavor to be part of national school curriculum – Times of India

New Delhi: Local tastes and new academic areas including Indian knowledge system, citizenship, appreciation of national…