The changing profiles of in-demand IITians

Zomato is scouting for algorithm engineers at IIT campuses. High frequency trading companies are looking for…

EMRS’ tribal students exhibit coding projects after less than a year of basic training

The students who presented their projects were trained by their respective EMRSs. Photo: X/@PIB_MoTA Web applications…

Meet 6-Year-Old Simar Khurana, World’s Youngest Videogame Developer

Simar loves mathematics and coding and want to be a game developer after growing up. A…

Enduring Value of an Analog Technology

This is the digital age, and the advice to executives is clear. Managers need to have…

Delivery boy turned software engineer, know his success story

Abdul, who worked as a delivery boy in Zomato and Swiggy, has now become a software…

IIT Madras hosts ‘Techno Central’ intelligence, creativity competition for 2,500 kids

Seven to seventeen years old children took part in these competitions (file photo) The children registered…

Colleges warn students against using ChatGPT

“AI (Artificial Intelligence) agents such as ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot or Blackbox should not be used when…

Microsoft unveils ‘Future Ready Champions of Code’ program to upskill Indian ladies

Microsoft unveils future ready Champions of Code, aims to help developers India Get the skills, tools…

Two words of advice on OTT and the draft Telecom Bill

Draft Indian Telecom Bill, 2022 | photo credit: Kamal Narang inclusion of over the top or…

Shiv Nadar University starts Analytics Olympiad, winner will get Rs 1 lakh cash

Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR in partnership with MachineHack has invited data scientists, machine learning developers and…