‘WhatsApp, Facebook aiding communal hatred’: Congress chief to Meta

Alleging the ‘Meta is culpable of abetting social disharmony and inciting communal hatred in India’, Congress…

Hate Crimes and Punishment: Hindu Editorial on Violence for ‘Hurting Sentiments’

There needs to be zero tolerance for violence if ‘hurt feelings’ due to hate speech There…

Hate Crimes and Punishment

There needs to be zero tolerance for violence if ‘hurt feelings’ due to hate speech There…

in case of alarm

The police also did this incident in a video social media. Feather: To be able to…

Rahul Gandhi talks about ‘Bully Bai’, says ‘Abab’ as opposed to woman’s human

National Democratic Gandhi (photo). New Delhi: nilab democratic Rahul Gandhi The violator of the dangerous acts…

Falling short: On action against violence in the name of religion

To ignore the orgy of communal hatred A recent incident in Haridwar which was labeled as…

Two women journalists detained for posting provocative posts on Tripura communal violence get bail

Image Source : @JHA_SWARNAA and @SAMRIDDHI0809 TWITTER Two women journalists were arrested over their social media…