Uniform Civil Code mantra of equality for every Indian

‘Containing the discussion of India’s personal laws within the Hindu-Muslim binary, their potential to empower a…

In no hurry: The Hindu Editorial on Governors and the Judiciary Reminder on Bills

The Supreme Court has given a timely reminder to the governors that the Constitution requires that…

The challenge of reviving the spirit of fraternity

‘The existential reality of India is one of immense diversity’. Photo credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto The Constitution…

constitutional silence, unconstitutional inaction

‘The duty of the Governor is only to ensure that an elected government is functioning within…

decide the language of cooperative federalism

Writing anti-Hindi slogans during the language movement in 1965 Photo Credit: The Hindu Photo Archives Co-operative…

explained | uniform civil code

What was debated in the Constituent Assembly about the UCC? What were the different arguments? Is…

This Hindi – and Hindi only – advice is flawed

Policy makers should ensure constitutional provision that Hindi and English shall be the official languages ​​of…

The realm of fraternity and the wages of oblivion

It is often forgotten that ‘fraternity’ is one of the core values ​​enshrined in the Preamble…

Hijab Case and Essential Behavior Theory

When it comes to an issue relating to a matter of faith, the courts have the…

The poor state of India’s fiscal federalism

The concerns of the Founding Fathers – addressing socio-economic inequalities – are being forgotten in today’s…