’26 hours’: Congress questions delay in reinstating Rahul Gandhi as MP

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi‘s conviction in the Modi surname remark case was granted a stay order…

‘Rahul Gandhi is still a convict’: Mahesh Jethmalani on SC stay order

Rahul Gandhi got some relief on Friday when the Supreme Court of India stayed the conviction…

Court dismisses Rahul Gandhi’s plea to stay his conviction

Ahmedabad A sessions court in Surat on Thursday rejected Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s plea to suspend…

Nick Kyrgios reacts after pleading guilty to assaulting ex-girlfriend and escaping punishment

Last Update: February 03, 2023, 11:37 IST Nick Kyrgios at the ACT Magistrates’ Court in Canberra…

Philippine Nobel laureate Resa appeals for cybercrime punishment in Supreme Court – Times of India

Manila: Philippine Nobel Peace Prize Winner Maria Rassa will appeal a conviction For cyber libel in…

Basic Rules of ‘A Land of Many’

Today, some in positions of power in India are questioning those rules – which makes them…

Pakistan filedி்ி்ி்ி்ி்ி்ி்ி்ி்ி்்ி்்

Kulbhushan Jadhav (file photo). Weatherabad: prisoner sentenced to death Kulbhushan Jadhav 🙏 A soldier narrates the…