COP26 Deal | UN chief says ‘not enough’, warns of ‘disaster’ near; Greta Thunberg condemned it

During the final talks, China and India insisted on weakening the language on fossil fuels in…

At COP26, Maharashtra announces ambitious targets to tackle climate change

We look forward to taking forward our partnership on electric mobility, said Aaditya Thackeray Glasgow, UK:…

China, US pledge to enhance climate cooperation in UN talks

Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua and US counterpart John Kerry said the two countries would work…

Does India have the right to burn fossil fuels?

Following the green path to development will help India instead of arguing for more coal production…

Korea, Japan, China may join ASEAN on ambitious global power grid

New Delhi : China may become part of the ambitious One Sun One World One Grid…

India needs to convert the country’s large fleet to zero-emissions vehicles

On the Transport Day at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) Climate Summit, India today…

US joins International Solar Alliance

New Delhi The US has joined the International Solar Alliance (ISA), an intergovernmental treaty-based jointly launched…

COP26 draft urges boost to emissions reduction targets by 2022

But climate scientists and environmental groups criticized the draft for failing to reflect the urgency of…

SDG Exchange Launches Platform Using Blockchain To Enable Carbon Credit Trading

SDG Exchange, a sustainability marketplace for carbon credits, has announced the global launch of its platform,…

COP26: In suit and tie, Tuvalu minister kneels at sea for film speech

Tuvalu’s foreign minister has given a knee-jerk speech at the UN climate conference in Glasgow to…