According to the age of five to 11 years.

Global Drugs Standard Control Institute (CIT) Pathologist (CIT) Pathologist (COC), however, has given more approvals for…

187 corona virus infections in the country so far: central government

By age group, the dose for the age group of 18-59 years for the age group…

87 times COVID-19 one for a German individual:

In line with DW, Selsony and similar studies have begun. One particular person or two times,…

To test the germs of germs for 12-17 years, Dr.

Covovax for spells aged 12-17 (symbolic picture) new Delhi: A nation’s nutrient expert characterizes the metallic…

One complete of 10 Raj in Madhya Pradesh, one full of Raksha Chakra: Shiv Singh

M said that in the skill of Narendra Modi ji, move forward at a fast pace.…

Chhattisgarh Health Minister wrote a letter to start the dose of corona disease

The message of premature mite is given to the health minister with the title. New Delhi:…

Coronavirus India Live Updates: 656 cases of Kovid-19 in Maharashtra, 8 days of killing

After 2020 in Maharashtra, the bar goes viral again and again. (symbolic picture) With 656 cases…

Communication campaign for campaign: Center

Central Health has said that New Delhi: is is is. The Union Health Ministry, which is…

Coronavirus India Updates: 437 and 91 new cases have been reported in Mizoram

Coronavirus India: 437 new cases have been reported in Mizoram. (symbolic picture) With the arrival of…

Coronavirus India Live Updates: 833 cases of Kovid-19 in Maharashtra, 15 people died

Corona: A total of 64,74,952 patients have been infected so far in Maharashtra. (symbolic picture) Dangerous…