City Logs 62 Daily Covid Cases, +VT Rate at 1.7% | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: 62 new cases were reported in the city on Tuesday covid, The daily positivity rate…

SII plans diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine

Following the successful conduct of its COVID vaccine, Serum Institute of India is focusing on developing…

SII, Court notice to Bill Gates, father accuses Kovishield of daughter’s murder

The Bombay High Court has sought answers from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill Gates,…

Bihar: Nutrient situation will improve in Nalanda, family will be water

Paatan: The ill-effects of Bihar’s fast-paced event are due to its leanness. The children who lived…

All schools in Gurgaon told to submit data of students for Kovid-19 vaccination. Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: The health department has directed all the schools in the city to submit the data…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Active COVID-19 cases in the country lowest in 260 days

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here.…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Lakshadweep closer to achieving full immunization coverage

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here.…

Keeping faith: on WHO approval for Covaxin

After months of speculation, World Health Organization (WHO) Provided Emergency Use List (EUL) to covaxin, Manufactured…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Active COVID-19 cases in the country lowest in 253 days

With 12,885 people testing positive for coronavirus in a day, the total number of COVID-19 cases…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Japan to shorten quarantine for incoming business travelers

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here.…