Most infected children were seen in the second wave

While many experts warned that the third wave could see children most infected as COVID vaccination…

Coronavirus Live Updates: 2,593 new covid cases, 44 deaths reported on Sunday

COVID Live: Active cases comprise 0.04 per cent of the total infections. (file) New Delhi: With…

Kovid Live Updates: 7,495 new covid cases in India, more than 250 omicron cases so far

COVID-19 Cases in India: The country’s total omicron tally has now crossed 250 cases. New Delhi:…

Kovid Live Updates: 5,326 new covid cases in India, 200 omicron cases so far

COVID-19 Cases: India’s total Omron tally has now reached 200 cases. (file) New Delhi: The Ministry…

Coronavirus Updates | EU drug regulator approves booster dose of Moderna’s COVID shot

India is committed to supplying COVID-19 vaccines to other countries and such supplies are likely to…